Here is the place where you can view all available information on the Power
Rangers X: Tenth Anniversary adventure. Rangers are gathering together for
this action packed adventure that will air on September 14th.
Jason Scott is the Red Power Ranger.
Aurico is the Red Alien Ranger.
Tommy Oliver is the Red Zeo Ranger.
TJ Johnson is the Red Turbo Ranger.
Andros is the Red Space Ranger.
Leo Corbett is the Red Galaxy Ranger.
Carter Greyson is the Red Lightspeed Ranger.
Wes Collins is the Red Time Force Ranger.
Eric Meyers is the Quantum Ranger.
Cole Evans is the Red Wild Force Ranger.
The current news is that the special teamup will be called "Forever Red" and
will be involving all the Red Rangers. No one really knows how this will tie
in with Wild Force or if it even will at all. It will only be one episode,
but hopefully it will be good. It looks like their finding another way to
cheapen the experience by making it all about the Red Rangers again. But
that's okay I supose. The episode will still on October 12th as promised. So
stay tuned for more details as I get them.
And folks.. It has been confirmed that our comedy duo is also returning.
Gigantic Metal Robots that we know as the Beetleborgs be the evil threat
that the Rangers must go up against.
Enjoy the biggest battle in the Power Rangers legacy. Expect more to come
as soon as I can get it.